april 12  de 2015



The browser performs finding of organs and systems in BioTK®.

The volumes of BioTK are classified by body regions: head and neck, thorax, abdomen, upper and lower Members. Each of these volumes is in turn classified by systems: Cardiovascular, Digestive, Nervous, Bone, Respiratory, Urinary, Reproductive, etc.

The organs´s browser can perform several functions over systems or organs. The following functions can be controlled from the browser of organs:

  • Show-Hide organs or systems, by clicking the check box at the left of the name of the organ or system.
  • Expand the “properties” tab by double-clicking on the name of an organ or system, in this tab information (name and description) for organ or system can be: 
  • Enable/disable the cutting feature for an organ or system.
  • Identify an organ or system: When you double click on an organ in the 3D workspace it is highlighted in yellow in the browser organ and in green in the 3D workspace. 
  • To extend a branch into the organs´browser click the arrow on the left side of the name, to pick click on the same arrow.

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