april 12 de 2015

3d workspace

BioTK® presents the organs and systems of the human body in 3d on a fully interactive workspace.
The operations that can be performed within the 3D workspace appear on the toolbar, the properties, cuts and save-load tabs and the organs and system´s browser.

  • Organs´ browser:   It is organized by systems and through the search bar you can find an organ or system within the tree.
  • Toolbar:  From this menu you can select some of the functions such as activating joystick, activate 3D anaglyph image capture, full screen, enable pin, change language, watch video-guides, see thematic videos consulting help and exit BioTK.
  • Save-Load tab::  In this tab you will find the option of saving the scenes, organ´s descriptions and PINS you have created.
    Cut tab: Here you will find the controls to show, hide and use as cutting planes the Photos, CT and MRI images.
    Properties tab: The functions here are changing color, transparency, centering, hide and show organs and / or systems, set transparency to other organs and others.
  • Joystick:  Command button that allows you to Pan, Zoom and Rotate the model in any direction.

The operations that can be performed on the 3D model with the mouse or joystick are listed

To activate the Joystick, click the icon in the toolbar:

Joystick Control Functions

  • Zoom In / Out: Use the + and -.
  • Rotate: Use the inner arrows to rotate the model in the desired direction.
  • Pan: Move the model using external arrows.

The above functions can also be performed with the mouse:

Rotate the model

This feature makes the model to rotate around the center point of the 3D window.
Hold the left mouse button and drag the mouse cursor into the 3D workspace.

Pan the model

To pan the model in the 3D workspace, hold the middle button (scroll) mouse and move the cursor in the direction you want to move the model.

Zoom in / out

Turn the mouse scroll to zoom in or down to zoom out the model.


Through this feature you can spin the model around the vertical axis of the window automatically. While the model is in rotation you still can use the all other BioTK features.

  • To play the model, just click the play button in the toolbar.
  • To stop playing, click the stop button. 

  return to main menu
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