april 12 de 2015


In BioTK a scene corresponds to a particular configuration or arrangement of organs including: colors, transparencies, cuts, position and zoom level model among others.

The scenes are saved for the purpose of later recall or to be used by other users to access them in the case of shared scenes.

Using the scenes a teacher can prepare his or her class by selecting organs, colors and transparencies he or she needs to identify the anatomical structures required, then saveing the scene to reload later during class.

Note : When you have worked with pins and want to save a specific scene must save them as scene and not as pins.

Saving a scene      

To save a scene follow this procedure:
  • Click the Save tab - Load
  • The window now has menus Scenes, Pins and Descriptions as shown in the illustration. Click Scenes
  • Verify the text Save Current Scene ( 1)
  • Enter the name you want for the scene. ( 2)
  • Click the save button or hit Enter. ( 3)

Other features found are:

  • Reset ( 4) : Load the default model that brings BioTK
  • Refresh List (5) : Update the list of created scenes.
  • Load : Restores a saved scenes (6 ) .
  • Delete: Deletes a scene created ( 7).
  • Share : Makes a Scene public or private ( 8).

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Loading a scene

To retrieve a saved scene click the button indicated . The scene is shown in the 3D Workspace.

Sharing a scene (Only in Versión Web)

Normally the scenes created are privatefollow theses instructions for each scene you want to share
  • Click the icon    that means that an Scene is private and it should turns into the icon  that tells that the scene now has been shared.

Upload a shared scene by other users ( web version only)

  • To explore the scenes that a user has shared, click the Guest User option from the popup window and enter the email of the user you want to explore the shared scenes.
  • Now select the Connect as a Guest option and then click Connect to Server.

  • Choose from the list of shared scenes for the user you want to upload and click the button   cwhen already loaded the desired scene appears.

  • If you want to save these scenes click Main User and store according to the procedure described above.

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Check list of scenes ( Only in the Web version )

PYou can view the full list of scenes created in the main window when you enter BioTK® by the icon Scenes.
  • Will be shown: The list of created scenes organized by volume, creation date, privacy status appears. (X means private).

  • From this window you can load a scene already created by clicking the preview.
  • It is possible in this window to change the privacy status of scenes:
  • Click on the name of the scene you want to edit
  • Click edit scene
  • Active public check box .
  • If you want it private , clear the check box

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