Nov 12 de 2014

Labeling Images 

Through tab cuts can activate the option to display and edit labels on the images from the box text.

To view photos, TC and MRI:

  • Go to the Cuts tab.
  • Click on the name of the type and orientation plane of the image.

  • A window like the following appears:

  • Draggin the mouse cursor over the image, will draw a vector fron the closest 3D visible organ (defined in the organs´browser) to the mouse cursor and the organ name will be displayed as in the image above.
  • When the vector is green colored, it means that the cursor is pointing the nearest body found , when the blue line indicates that the cursor is inside the body identified

This workspace offers the following functionality:
    • At the top and bottom of the frame the numerical position of the image is shown.
    • On the right side of the window is the slider, it enable you to change the image.
    • At the bottom of the window are the Zoon In icons  and Zoom Out   icons. 
    • You also can capture the image and save it to your PC by clicking   the image is saved in the downloads folder.
    • To close this window click  ..

Add labels pins to the images

First, activate the Pins editor by clicking the icon Pins

  • Create, edit and delete a Pin

      • To create a Pin click  Add Pines.
      • Plave the mouse cursor into the anatominal structure you desire to name and click
      • Write the name of the label, move the mouse cursor to the place you want the label appear and click.
      • To edit a Pin click   and then click the head of the pin to edit, now it is ready for rename and re- located to the label by clicking the desired location.,
      • To remove the label click   , and click on the head of pin removed.
      • To Show - Hide labels click 

To save the image with labels created within the platform BioTk Web.
    •  Exit the window by clicking Close,
    • Save the image with the pins created as scene.

      • Open the tab “Save-Load”
      • Click “Scenes”
      • Make sure the text “Save Current Scene” appears above the text box.
      • Enter the name and hot Enter.Abra la pestaña  de Salvar- Guardar
To see the Image you created with pins:
    • In Save Load Tab.
    • Load the scene that contains the image labeled
    • Open the Cuts Tab
    • Select the Image and orientation plane labeled.
    • Now the image with the label is shown.