april  12 de 2015


Create, edit and save PINS

  • Click in the Pins Icon to activate the Edit Pins Toolbar.


The folowing actions are available now:

Labels: Show or hide Label created.
Normal status: To exit Edit Pins mode
Add PIN:  Adds a PIN in the location of the model where the user click
Edit PIN: Let the user change the name of an already created Pin when Click on it.

Delete PIN: Deketes a Pin when the user click over a Pin

  • Create a Pin

      • Click on the icon  (Add Pinnes) .
      • Click on the location of the model you want to add a Pin.
      • Select the text into the text box to replace it and write the name you want to assign to the pin.

  • Editing a Pin

      • To edit the tags that are created each PIN , click on
      • Click on the head of PIN that will edit
      • Label box is activated , you can delete or change .
  • Deleting a Pin
  • To clear Pines click on 
  • Click on the head of the Pin you are going to delete
  • Ver - ocultar Etiquetas

      • Para ver u ocultar todas la etiquetas creadas dar clic  del ratón en
  • Show hide Labels
      • Click on the icon

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Saving PINS

You can save the Pins to be viewed or shared later.

NOTE : To save your pins with the scene created , you must save through the Save a Scene. Once you have finished creating the PINES click the tab Save-Load and click the icon Pines
Once you have finished creating the Pins click the Save-Load tab click on the icon Pins

The popup window switches to the next menu, follow these simple steps to save the pins you created :

  1. Verify that text “Save Current Pins” appear over the text box.
  2. Enter the name you want to save the pins
  3. Click the icon  or hot enter. The pins just save appear on bottom of the list.

This window offers additional functions :

4.Refresh : Updates the list of pins created  

5. Load : Click   to retrieve saved PINS . The Pines will be displayed in the 3D worksapce.

6. Delete: Deletes Pins from the list by clicking

7. The Pins are private, that is, accessible only who creates them. However you can share with your community by clicking on the icon

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Share Pins (Only Web version)

By default, when you create Pines they are private. If you want to share with other users of BioTK ®, click on the icon   the icon should have turned into  indicating that pins are already public .
If you want to make them private again click on the icon 

Loading Pins shared by other users ( Web Version Only )

  • To view Pins that another user has shared click the Guest User option in the Save-Load tab and enter the user´s e-mail that have shared the pins.
  • Now select the Connect as a Guest option and then click Connect to Server .
  • Choose from the list of shared Pins and click the button  . A warning that the PINES loaded appears. .

  • Now you can check in the 3D worspace and verify that PINES are loaded .
  • If you want to save these PINES click Primary User and store according to the procedure described above.
NOTE : To save a scene with Pines, must do so through the save scenes.

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Check the list of Pins ( Only on the web version )

  • You can check the full list of PINES created in the main window when entering BioTK® by clicking the icon Pins. A list of Pins is presented organized by volume, creation date and privacy status.
  • It is also possible in this window to change the privacy status of the Pins, select the Pin´s name you want to change, click Edit Pin, when clicking on the check box option to publish the Pin is activated.

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