april 12 de 2015


From this menu you can select some of the functions that are activated by clicking on the icon:

Show-Hide the organs browser

Search organs: Just type an organ name or a part of it and hit enter or click in magnifying glass. The total number of matches and the location appears in the browser.

Enabe Joystickl: : Displays a tool to move, rotate, rotate, pan and zoom the three-dimensional model.
Pins  Displays the options to add, edit and delete pins and also the option to show or hide labels.

3D effect.  Activate the option to view the three-dimensional model through anaglyph glasses or through active stereoscopy galsses.

General Settings: Change the option of 3D, the theme of BioTK and quiz and sound options.

Play:The 3D spins around the vertical axis of the screen to stop this action again clicking on the icon.

Screenshot:   Capture the image of the 3D, the file is saved in the Downloads folder in png format with the name you assign to it.
Full Screen:  Set full secreen for BioTK, to exit full screen press Escape

Cancel anatomical boundaries:  Click this icon to show or hide the photographs indicating the boundary of the anatomical region.
Video-Guides: Presents a list of videos that guide show how to use BioTK.

Help:  opens this BioTK Manual.

Exit: Closes BioTK, before BioTK is closed, the last scene you set is saved with the name “ _LastView”

Change Language

return to main menu
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